Internships & Theses
Do you already know what you want to do after school? Apprenticeship or study? Production or office? You can find out what suits you best by doing an internship. Get a taste of working life with us during a compulsory or voluntary internship, get to know the exciting environment of an internationally successful company and experience a profession of your choice at first hand.
Whether you are a pupil or a student - we will find the right thing for you!
What we offer pupils:
- You get a taste of future-oriented (training) professions.
- You can get involved yourself and find out whether your idea of a profession matches reality.
- You will get first-hand information from experts and find an open ear for all your questions.
- You can find out about entry-level opportunities with us and make initial contacts.
What we offer students:
For students we offer opportunities for:
- Internships
- practical semesters and
- theses.
Dabei erhalten Sie:
- Exciting tasks in which you will be supported by experienced employees
- Insights into operational and administrative work areas
- technological insights
- Valuable insights into an internationally operating, innovative company
- the possibility of vocational orientation, if not already done
- You get a taste of a future-oriented industry.
- You get involved yourself and shape the content of your work.
- You will get first-hand information from experts and find an open ear for all your questions.
You will receive:
For a traineeship, your certificates do not yet play such a big role - although good grades are important for a later start with us.
Erstmal zählt für uns, dass Sie
- begeisterungsfähig sind und Spaß am Lernen haben,
- großes Interesse an dem Arbeitsbereich, den Sie kennenlernen wollen, mitbringen und
- idealerweise schon etwas über RAVENOL wissen.
Das bringen Sie als Student mit:
- abstraktes, logisches, analytisches Denkvermögen.
- Selbstständiges, selbstorganisiertes und diszipliniertes Lernen und Arbeiten.
- Selbstmanagement, Bereitschaft zum Selbststudium.
- Lernbereitschaft, Einsatz- und Leistungsbereitschaft.
In folgenden Abteilungen können Sie hineinschnuppern:
- Buchhaltung
- Personalwesen
- Produktion
- Vertrieb Inland/Export
- Lager
- Abfüllung
- Marketing (inkl. Motorsport)
- Einkauf
- Produktmanagement
- Technik
- Labor
Bei Fragen rund um die Themen Praktika & Abschlussarbeiten - sprechen Sie uns gerne an. Wir helfen Ihnen durch entsprechende Informationen!