“The North so close’ (translated from the Russian «Север рядом») – that’s the expedition name a team of mechanics, engineers, cartographers and thrill seekers opted for hit the road to conquer Russia’s North-East located right at the Arctic Circle. This endeavour is supposed to demonstrate that even regions that seem to be cut off from the outside world can be reached rather well with state-of-the-art off-road vehicles, today.
The mission that started as early as in early May features a 6,000-kilometre route and three expedition vehicles. The goal: to reach check points set in the run-up to the event in the most remote terrain that often is cut off from the infrastructure by virtually impassable terrain. Altogether, the route comprises 15 stages. The route partly takes the expedition members to unsettled areas, with researchers and meteorologists being the only human beings living there. The terrain will feature snow, ice and open waters. From Nowy Urengoi in the northern part of Western Siberia, the route takes them along to the east, past the East Siberian Sea and to the most Eastern spot of the Asian mainland. Final destination of the one-month expedition is Anadyr, the seaport located to the North of Kamchatka.

About the expedition vehicle Burlak (Russian: «Бурлак»):
The Burlak (Russian: «Бурлак») is a six-wheel expedition vehicle, specially designed for extreme polar conditions. Due to its hermetic design and an additional propeller drive, the 6x6 even can cover longer distances on the water. The interior features a kitchenette, sleeping facilities for up to eight persons, a laboratory and a common room.

Fully loaded, the weight of the colossus amounts to about seven tons. The Cummins 2.8 ISF turbo-diesel engine delivers 150bhp and a torque of 360Nm. Meanwhile, RAVENOL SSO SAE 0W-30 makes for the appropriate lubrication in the icy polar conditions. This oil is a fully synthetic low-friction oil, featuring the CleanSynto® Technology. The excellent cold-start properties make for optimum lubrication safety in the cold-run phase – a feature that is of particular important when the temperatures drop below –30° C. Furthermore, the RAVENOL EPX Getriebe-Oel SAE 85W-140 GL-5 makes for perfect lubrication of the hypoid axles and RAVENOL VSG SAE 75W-90 performs this task when it comes to the gearbox. Further lubricants and fluids are:
Power steering: RAVENOL SSF Special Servolenkung Fluid (Range of use from –40 °C to +100° C)
Cooling system: RAVENOL OTC Protect C12+ Concentrate (with organic additive technology OAT as long-term radiator protection).
Brake system: RAVENOL DOT 4 (All-year range of use)
Greases: RAVENOL Arctic Green Grease AGG 2 and RAVENOL Arctic Tripoid Grease ATG 2 with MoS2 (is used in rolling bearings and slide bearings that have to cope with extremely high pressure loads and for high-rev bearings in extremely low temperatures).
To accompany the expedition live at the official website please click: https://close2north.com/ru