RAVENOL Group: Ravensberger Schmierstoffvertrieb GmbH since 1946 and Deutsche Ölwerke Lubmin GmbH since 2013
RAVENOL Group: Ravensberger Schmierstoffvertrieb GmbH since 1946 and Deutsche Ölwerke Lubmin GmbH since 2013


Category: Radiator antifreeze
Item number: 1410143
Application: Passenger car

RAVENOL HJC COLD CLIMATE -60°C is a ready to use, prediluted with water, ethylene-glycol based and time-tested coolant without amines and silicates. This product is formulated based on a proven inhibitor development as an extended life radiator antifreeze. The product is suitable for regions with cold climate.

The quality of an antifreeze is no longer just determined by the antifreeze effect (which automatically exists in an ethylene-glycol based product), but by the rust protection. That is why manufacturers subject antifreeze to lengthy corrosion and cavitation tests.

RAVENOL HJC COLD CLIMATE -60°C protects the cooling system from rust, frost, and in summer, from overheating.

Application Note

RAVENOL HJC COLD CLIMATE -60°C is a prediluted coolant with frost and rust protection for year-rounduse in automotive engines for regions with cold climate.

Even in summer coolant must contain enough antifreeze to ensure good corrosion and overheating protection.


Add RAVENOL HJC COLD CLIMATE -60°C to radiator to fill line.

RAVENOL HJC COLD CLIMATE -60°C can also be used according the mixing table. Mix RAVENOL HJC COLD CLIMATE -60°C with distilled water (per mixing chart) and add. Allow engine and heater to warm up, add coolant to fill level.

Table of mixing ratios:
Antifreeze protection until Parts Antifreeze Parts Water
-25°C 50% 50%
-37°C 65% 35%


  • Excellent for light metal engines
  • Good reserve alkalinity
  • High-quality corrosion additives for optimal corrosion protection
  • Elastomer compatible with elastomers used in automotive radiators

Technical Product Data

Density at 20 °Ckg/m³1110,0EN ISO 12185
pH - value8,0ASTM D1287
Freezing point°C-60ASTM D1177

All indicated data are approximate values and are subject to the commercial fluctuations.

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