RAVENOL Group: Ravensberger Schmierstoffvertrieb GmbH since 1946 and Deutsche Ölwerke Lubmin GmbH since 2013
RAVENOL Group: Ravensberger Schmierstoffvertrieb GmbH since 1946 and Deutsche Ölwerke Lubmin GmbH since 2013

RAVENOL Glasklar

Category: Car care products
Item number: 1360025

RAVENOL Glasklar

is the ideal cleaner for all glass and mirrored surfaces inside andoutside. It removes fingerprints, greasy dirt and nicotine.

Application Note

RAVENOL Glasklar

spray on, wipe with a dry cloth or a household paper.Ingredients:Anionic surfactants, wetting agents and isopropanol.

RAVENOL Glasklar

contains less than 7% alcohol.

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