RAVENOL Group: Ravensberger Schmierstoffvertrieb GmbH since 1946 and Deutsche Ölwerke Lubmin GmbH since 2013
RAVENOL Group: Ravensberger Schmierstoffvertrieb GmbH since 1946 and Deutsche Ölwerke Lubmin GmbH since 2013

RAVENOL Leder Reiniger

Category: Car care products
Item number: 1360067

RAVENOL Leder-Reiniger is a phosphate-free cleaning agent for leather seats and interior trims in the car.

Provides excellent cleaning of seats and smooth brightness of the leather.

Application Note

By using RAVENOL Leder-Reiniger following should be regard:

1. Test on an inconspicuous area of leather upholstery the color fastness and material compatibility.

2. Spray RAVENOL Leder-Reiniger onto a damp cloth and rub it lightly over the surface without rubbing or spray very fine from a distance of about 50 cm on the cushion respectively seat covers, but always work from the bottom up to avoid streaks because of the different residence time.

3. Rub with a damp cloth without rubbing over the surface to remove RAVENOL Leder-Reiniger.

4. Subsequently, we recommend impregnating the upholstery with a leather care.

Never spray RAVENOL Leder-Reiniger very powerfull and don´t let it dry!

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