RAVENOL Group: Ravensberger Schmierstoffvertrieb GmbH since 1946 and Deutsche Ölwerke Lubmin GmbH since 2013
RAVENOL Group: Ravensberger Schmierstoffvertrieb GmbH since 1946 and Deutsche Ölwerke Lubmin GmbH since 2013


Category: 2 stroke engine oil
Item number: 1151310
Specification: API TC, ISO L-EGD
Oil type: Full synthetic

RAVENOL SNOWMOBILES Fullsynth. 2-Takt is high quality blue coloured full synthetic two-stroke engine oil especially developed for 2-stroke snowmobiles.

RAVENOL SNOWMOBILES Fullsynth. 2-Takt with special esters and Polyisobutylene (PIB) and effectively low ash additives.

Application Note

RAVENOL SNOWMOBILES Fullsynth. 2-Takt can generally be mixed with regular petrol 1:100.

RAVENOL SNOWMOBILES Fullsynth. 2-Takt is used for lubrication of air-cooled two-stroke petrol engines with very high speed and heaviest load.

RAVENOL SNOWMOBILES Fullsynth. 2-Takt is also suitable for the lubrication of two stroke scooters with water cooling.


  • A proper lubrication of all engine parts
  • A strong cleaning effect, for clean combustion chambers. Cleans intake and exhaust ports from combustion residues and deposits
  • Clean spark plugs provide optimal performance of the engines
  • A very high wear and corrosion protection
  • Low exhaust emission levels by good combustion
  • Very low Pourpoint, also to use at very low temperature

Technical Product Data

Density at 20 °Ckg/m³873,0EN ISO 12185
Viscosity at 100 °Cmm²/s9,4DIN 51562-1
Viscosity at 40 °Cmm²/s55,15DIN 51562-1
Viscosity Index VI154DIN ISO 2909
Brookfield Viscosity at -40 °C43540ASTM D2983
Pourpoint°C-57DIN ISO 3016
Flashpoint°C128DIN EN ISO 2592
Compatibility at -40 °CMinuten28ASTM D 4682
passedASTM D 4682

All indicated data are approximate values and are subject to the commercial fluctuations.

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